The new staff house is ready!
Our 2024 project has been completed.
This week, Aminu, who is responsible for the many administrative tasks, was able to move into the new staff house together with his wife.
We are happy to be able to offer our employees a good place to live in the middle of the bush. Many thanks to everyone who helped!
August 2024
A reason to celebrate
Hope Eden JSS celebrates its first graduates.
In mid-July, the first 12 students at HECS completed their BECE (Basic Education Certificate Examination).
What a great achievement!
July 2024
Hope Eden Community School Old Pupils Association 2023 Reunion.
Also this year the former students of Hope Eden School have met. Trees were planted in neighboring villages, there were plenary talks and despite the food shortage in Nigeria, the students shared the food fairly.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees: Hope Eden Initiative for Rural Development, Nigeria , Management Board Hope Eden Community School, Old Pupils Association, Parents and Guardians of Old and Present Pupils…. We thank Shiekar & Annegret Kumbur and Board members, HE e.V. Germany Board members and hundreds of great Germans who are kind enough to support our children’s educational , nutritional and other needs with love in our present travails.. God bless you more. I am personally indebted and grateful to all the Teaching and Support Staff ( listed in the Group Photographs) for their sacrifices to ensure the success of this 2023 HECS OPA Reunion.God bless you. Victoria Afolabi. Head Teacher.06/09/2023
Inauguration of the basketball court
Our project 2023 could be finished. The first basketball games have already taken place!
Lateral Entry
Not all of our students start in Playclass but come to us later because of family hardship. Although they have been in public schools for years, they cannot speak, read or write English. At Hope Eden Community School they learn quickly and develop into high flyers, grateful that they can finally learn!
Trees for the future
Most of our JSS furniture is made of Mahagoni, a rare and highly demanded wood. Fortunately, we still have big trees that drop seeds and grow young trees.
The students from the JSS classes should take responsibility for them for the next dry season. We are looking forward to shade!
Eggs for the school staff
January 2022: At the beginning of the second school term, all Hope Eden School staff received eggs as an encouragement.
Everyone was happy: “Thank you so much … I haven’t eaten eggs for a long time!”
”I can’t afford eggs anymore … what a luxury!”
Many thanks to all the eggproject donors.
Parents – Teachers – Association
Our PTA in November was well attended. We had a guest doctor who gave a lecture on LIFESTYLE medicine. As most of the parents speak little to no English, everything was translated into Haussa (one of the many national languages) by a teacher.
Annegret Kumbur used the meeting to explain the parents how important it is to learn English. Even the little ones should learn English by playing in the playclass. After Headmaster Timothy Job discussed urgent concerns of the school, drinks and sponsored biscuits were served at the end.
Start Junior Secondary School
On 20th September, the time had finally come: 14 pupils started the first class of the JSS. Ten pupils from our primary school and four external ones successfully passed the entrance exam. They will now receive another 3 years of schooling and will have an officially recognized school-leaving certificate.
Hope Eden Highway
If you have ever visited Hope-Eden, you certainly remember the last Kilometres on the road. The dirt-road was unbelievably dusty on dry weather. On rainy weather it was an unforgettable mud experience. Directly after a heavy rain some spots where impassable. Over the years the first few Kilometres after Kuje where paved bit by bit. Over long period of times nothing happened.
Now everything changed! Some month ago construction work resumed, and this time kept up with high speed. Unbelievable, Hope-Eden is all of a sudden situated directly at a Highway.
On the picture Hope-Eden is hidden behind the trees on the left hand side. Unseen there is a small stream crossing the road. Hopefully the road can withstand the floods of water, caused by heavy rains.
Construction goes on!
The bricks found their way to the building site. After the frames of the Arches where completed, construction could continue. 18 Arches with pilings were erected and all windows and doorframes of the first construction phase are completed. Now the roof construction has started. Seven big trees on the farmland were cut down and used as timber for the building. This wood is not only a higher quality, but significantly cheaper than on the market. Most of the labourers are family man and highly motivated. This income helps them to pay school fees for their children. Some of them have lost their job due to corona measures and are glad to have a new income. Others depend on their small crop harvesting and are happy to have some monetary income, to save some money for the coming farming season. Prices for building materials, and other products have risen significantly in the last weeks. The price of a bag of cement rose from 2700N(=5,94€) auf 3300N (=7,26€). We expect similar rises for windows, doors and roofing materials.
A brick for the future
For 20 years, we have been building in Hope Eden with bricks we shaped ourselves.
Our children and young people are always happy to help. Working together is fun!
In order to complete the Junior Secondary School as planned in the coming year, we and our students depend on your support. We are happy about every donation! (Intended purpose: Junior Secondary School)
Latest news on the construction progress: JSS Construction Progress
Extension of Solar System
Since in April 2016 we installed a new Solar System, no Generator is required anymor. But in rainy season, on days with low sunlight we frequently experienced power shortages. The batteries ran down and power consumption had to be reduced. For cost-saving reasons we did not install enough solar-module initialy. Since deep discharge of batteries shortens their lifetime, we planed to eradicate this flaw as soon as possible. This time we did not carry out the installation ourself, but engaged Mala’ika Energy Solutions Ltd. A company from Abuja. In Benjamin Bako, the head of Mala’ika Energy Solutions Ltd we found an excellent Partner in Solar Technology. Within three days the panels where changed. All work was done in a very professional way. Hope Eden now has an absolute reliable powersupply, even on days with low sunlight.
Many Greetings…
from our Hope Eden Community School Security Men: Bitrus, Ayuba, Ema und Atom!
Msuu-Shater (I trust in God)’s song ‘I am a winner in Christ’ is on air !
It was played on Armed Forces Radio(Nigeria)107.7 and you can get it online on
Story: In 2018 Victoria, Timothy Jobs wife drew the attention of her husband to the sound of a Rapsong she was hearing from outside.Suushater and Msughter were singing: I am a winner in Christ. It was created by them and now accomplished. On soundcloud you can hear it anywhere in the world :)! Timothy(Headteacher of Hope Eden Community School) is the one who encouraged them to pursue the production and is part of Msuu-Shater. We Hope Eden people pray that their song will be true always in their lives and will get many followers! Suu is a real Hope Eden Kid who joined the family when he was 1year old and is now a student of mechanical engineering. Msughter is ‘Carpenters son’ (see PROJECTS > Family Sunday Job Tabulo) who was serving as a volunteer in H.E.C.S. from 2018-19 and is supported in his studies of psychology through H.E.e.V.
The egg project – more important than ever!
Since many of our customers have left the country due to the current Corona crisis, we have some eggs left.
Per week there are about 30 layers of eggs (about 90€) which we cannot sell. Without customer we lack the necessary money for the chicken feed. The consequence: Slaughtering chickens, especially our new layers in which we invested about 4000€ until they started to lay in February?! That would be a huge loss and the end for the Hope Eden poultry farm. We would be happy if we could find supporters again to donate the eggs to people in need. Fitting for Easter and to strengthen the immune system in the fight against the virus 😉
(see PROJECTS > egg project)
Farmers Club
3 times a week the children learn practical things in clubs like the Farmers Club, here they harvest a big seed capsule of Ugu leaves.
Carpentry Workshop
In November a carpentry workshop took place. Under the professional supervision of Godwin, the students produced folding-chairs.
Especially in Nigeria it is important for primary school students to develop practical skills, since university and polytechnik have a strong emphasis on theory.
Professionals with practical skills are rare.
Our Graduates 2019…
…celebrate with their class teacher!
This is already the fifth class, celebrating their graduation in Hope Eden Community School!
Reason to be happy!
Our headmaster Timothy successfully completed his first six months in the new office with the graduation of our sixth-graders.
School trip of the graduating class
Our students and teachers enthusiastically accepted the invitation to a radio station in Abuja. They were able to send a live message! Eating ice cream – for some the first – was the end of a successful day.
Successful tree planting
Under the trees planted in 2018 our students can already enjoy shade! Hooray! This encouraged them to plant 2019 trees as well.
Our first school bazaar!
Students regularly learn practical skills. They proudly present their products at the first school bazaar. Parents and visitors are the excited customers.
Hooray! The teacher’s house is ready!
Since February 2019 the teacher’s house is filled with life! Also the children of the Bible Club feel welcome there!
The Teacher Team 2019…
…under the direction of Timothy Job and Victoria Afolabi.
Farewell of Judith Ochoje
Farewell of Judith Ochoje as Pioneer Principal of HECS. After 10 devotional Years of service to our neighbouring Children in need, she is handing over her duties into nigerian hands.
20 years Hope Eden 2018
Celebrating the anniversary in Dietersweiler!
Annegret and Shiekar Kumbur celebrated with friends, donors and club members what has been developed in the Nigerian bush since 1998. About 25 children and teenagers have a home and education and 140 schoolchildren have a chance for a better future. Still people can continue to work for their living. We hope that in the next 10 years the younger generation will take over the responsibility for the farm and school. We thank God and all other people who care for us!
Tuition fees quadrupled
Shiekuma has a place at university!
One of our Mama Enoch orphans worked 7 years in the farm and has now got a study place (geography/ surveyor). The big shock is that this year the government has quadrupled the basic fees for first-year students (at least 300€ for entry)! That means the “END” for many young people from the middle class. 4 more Hope Eden youths are waiting for a place at university. We need your help! (Intended use: HE students)
Anti-Litter Campaign
School starts clean up operation
On June 1, the entire primary school moved out to clean up the neighboring village of Pasali. The mountais of rubbish pilled up not only along the road, but also between the houses. Apart from the visual impairments of the landscape, the mountains of waste cause several other problems (breeding ground for germs and diseases, danger of suffocation of small children and animals). With gloves, avenges and brooms, the children and teachers collected everything that was possible and then burned the garbage. With combined forces they showed how beautiful it can be when everything is clean. The chief of the village was impressed and we hope that he and others in the village will be inspired to clean up regularly.
Plant For The Planet
Planting Vs. Grubbing
On May 24 a tree planting campaign took place. „For every tree felled, a new one should be planted“. Hope Eden Community School students carry this message to their villages and plant a tree near their homes. They are now required to ensure that these trees grow very well. HECS is working against the massive deforestation in the area. Firewood is still the energy source no. 1 in the kitchen oft he rural regions.
Jump and Run
Running, bouncing, jumping
The sports field has grown. We are pleased about the inauguration of our new long jump and high jump facility, which has been in operation for a short time. With the help of a special donation we could finish the construction oft the new sports facility. Now you can hop as far as you can.
Nigeria’s Got Talent
Christmas musical in Hope Eden
Once again this year the teachers managed to get the best out of the kids. During the last week of the year, the students of the Hope Eden Community School showed what they are made of. Together they staged a Christmas musical. This spectacle attracted not only the parents but also numerous other visitors from the neighbouring villages. It’s amazing what talents are hidden in these kids!
Staff motivation
Day nursery opened
Many staff members of the school are young and newly married. It’s only a matter of time before the young will arrive. As motivation and service for the mothers we have decided to open a childcare center. A particular advantage of the “in-house nursery” is that mothers can get breast-feeding in between.
Playground opened
Reopening after new construction
Finally it’s time! Finally you can swing, climb and slide again. In cooperation with employees and parents of the school children, the playground could be put back into operation. Site manager Johannes Becker had already built the playground in 2012, at that time still made of wood. Due to the weather and the high termite infestation, however, the substance of the old playground was no longer strong enough and had to be renewed. Instead of wood, a steel frame construction was used. Visually, this may not be able to keep up with the wood version, but it will last for years, if not decades. The children are very happy. Thanks to all the helpers and donors who made this possible.
School buses ready to run
It is running smoothly again
Nigeria has infrastructure problems. This becomes particularly clear in the condition of the roads, among other things. The bushroad to Hope Eden could probably serve as a test track for off-road vehicles. Even our all-terrain school buses are affected. Major repair and maintenance work was necessary, which is why two German engineers set off for Nigeria in their spare time. Johannes Becker and Christoph Klüh arrived in Hope Eden at just the right time. Both school buses were out of service and no longer ready to drive. After days of screwing at 40C° both workedwell again at the end, applause fort he engineers 😉
New School bags
Do it yourself!
The students of the third grade proudly present their new school bags. These are not only particularly chic, but also self-made. Mothers, teachers and young people have made them especially for the children and also learned a lot of handicraft skills through that project. If this isn’t a win-win situation.
High inflation rate
January 2017
The monetary value of the Nigerian currency dropped by more than 20% during the last year. The cost of basic foods, clothes, services etc. is rising from day to day.
School anniversary
People like time flies…
10 years Hope Eden Community School! All classrooms and administration rooms are now ready. We look back on a turbulent time with many challenges, but also with great highlights. Thank God!
These five kids were right at the beginning. We are happy that we could teach you good basics and it is nice to see what the kids make of it. The picture shows: Murna, Happy, Ladi, Janet and Abdul.