We construct a Junior Secondary School building
After Primar School is in operation for several years. In the beginning of 2020 we have started to build a new Secondary School.
The construction work is making good progress. The first construction phase is planed to be completed in Summer 2021. If everything goes well, the present primary 6 Class can continue in Grade 7 of Junior Secondary School.
Meanwhile construction phase 2 will be completed, in order for the next grades to proceed to Junior Secondary level in Hope Eden Community School.
In 2024 we hope to graduate the first Hope Eden Students on Secondary School level.
Bricks for Phase 1
After Christmas break 5000 Bricks were furbished, piled up and burned.
Now they are waiting for diligent hands to be carried to the building site.
All workers and assistants are glad to have an extra income during challenging Corona times.
Since carpenters have no access to high quality timber on the market, two big trees were cut down on the compound. The timber is needed for the new roof.
We are greatefull for:
10 years of accident-free construction work.
The support of our donators, and many volunteers, who assisted us.
Now Primary School is in full operation!
The master plan for primary school
More than ten years have gone by since the construction of the school building started. Now, the completion is close at hand.
2017 wurde die letzte Baulücke geschlossen. Die ersten Workshops, z.B. Solarelektrik, Backen und Nähen haben stattgefunden.
Juni 2016 – der Haupteingang, Wirtschafts- und Technikraum nehmen Gestalt an.
April 2015 – Computerraum und die letzten Lehrerzimmer werden fertiggestellt!
Oktober 2014 – die Vorschulklassenzimmer stehen!
Januar 2013
2009, die ersten Klassenzimmer werden gebaut!
Im Sommer 2007 wurde unter Mitwirkung einer Gruppe des Evang. Jugendwerks in Württemberg, von Hope Eden Jugendlichen und Eltern aus der Nachbarschaft die Fundamente für die ersten 6 Klassenräume und der Sanitäranlage ausgehoben.