


140 pupils from the surrounding villages attend Hope Eden Community School. They receive a good education, food, medical attention (if needed), health education, basic knowledge in housekeeping, crafts and computers.

In Nigeria parents have to pay school fees. For our parents it is impossible to raise the money. Instead we give them the chance to contribute by working with the construction of the school or with the running of the school in general.

In order to pay for the running costs like salaries of the teachers and staff, food for the pupils, transportation fees, teaching material etc., we entirely rely on donations. The monthly cost for one child is 25€. 



Good teachers are a prerequisite for the good education of the pupils. A large portion of the current costs consist of labour costs. This includes the wages of teachers but also all other staff necessary for running the school (secretariat, maintenance, school bus driver, cook, cleaning personnel).


Help us to provide a healthy diet for the children!

“When the stomach is empty, it is hard to fill the head”. Everyone knows this from personal experience: it is hard, or sometimes even impossible, to concentrate when your stomach is empty. Due to the fact that lots of children come to school without having had breakfast,taking care of the physical welfare of the children is unavoidable.


In rural regions, distances between destinations can be very long. In order to spare the children the long walk to school, two school buses operate on the poorly developed roads.

The common motorbike taxis are often involved in accidents with a risk of severe injuries. As we deem this a high risk for the health of the children who are entrusted to our care, we believe that there is no alternative to employing the school buses.

Repair work

The cost of this necessary service is 175€ every month. Next to gasoline and the drivers’ wages, it is especially the costs for repair work and maintenance that are very high.

In this case the consequences of the bad infrastructure in this country can easily be seen: bad roads = high costs!