Hope Eden Community School Old Pupils Association 2023 Reunion.
Auch dieses Jahr haben sich die ehemaligen Schüler der Hope Eden Schule getroffen. Es wurden Bäume in den Nachbardörfern gepflanzt, es gab verschiedene Impulsvorträge für die Ehemaligen und trotz der Lebensmittelknappheit in Nigeria haben die Schüler das Essen fair aufgeteilt.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees: Hope Eden Initiative for Rural Development, Nigeria , Management Board Hope Eden Community School, Old Pupils Association, Parents and Guardians of Old and Present Pupils…. We thank Shiekar & Annegret Kumbur and Board members, HE e.V. Germany Board members and hundreds of great Germans who are kind enough to support our children’s educational , nutritional and other needs with love in our present travails.. God bless you more. I am personally indebted and grateful to all the Teaching and Support Staff ( listed in the Group Photographs) for their sacrifices to ensure the success of this 2023 HECS OPA Reunion.God bless you. Victoria Afolabi. Head Teacher.06/09/2023